Qur’an Madrasah
Reading the Qur’an
Learn how to recite the Qur’an in the Uthmani script over a course of 2 years. This involves learning how to read Arabic with the application of the basic rules of Tajweed, as well as building fluency. Students will cover the IQRA Books and focus on fluency through Qur’an recitation.
Application of Tajweed
Once you learn how to recite fluently with the basic rules of Tajweed, it is important to learn the theoricals of Tajweed to perfect the recitation. This involves learning the specific pronunciation of letters, as well as how to recite each word in the correct way.
Memorising & Understanding
After learning the theory and building fluency in the Qur’an, memorising and understanding the words of Allah is the most important step. The purpose of learning proper Tajweed and recitation is to ultimately bring us closer to Allah through the Qur’an. Committing the Qur’an to memory will affirm this lifelong relationship to the Qur’an.
Boys Madrasah
Monday & Thursday - 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Girls Madrasah
Tuesday & Friday - 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Boys and girls aged 6 - 16 years old
$120 per term, plus one-time book fees
4 x 10-week terms, aligned with school terms
Phone: 0406 008 080
Email: madrasah@cycaswj.com.au